Monday, September 19, 2011

It's time

So this music industry is getting way over the top right now ... you got lil Wayne in women's pants and selling a million albums in one week, my question would be, to who. I mean who are these one million people who don't leave there couches to get food and water but are running out to the stores in masses to get this guy's CD. Lady GaGa is running around promoting the hell out of the Devil and we call it high end fashion, give me a break. Jay-Z is taking over the world at this point with his big head ass wife Bey and no one stops to ask how is any of this making hip-hop any better for the consumer who would only love to hear someone write about some of the things he or she goes through from day to day.

The answer is: No one cares what you think, it was a time when you could call your local radio station an request a song and it would get played at some point during that day, nowadays they program every song that comes on. You ever asked yourself why their are so many rappers in the world but you only hear a good 4 or 5, it's because you have no choice in who you listen to when it comes to radio, they want you to hear Lil Wayne, Kanye West and Jay-Z, the reason is simple, it's because they help them with their agenda to promote all the things in life that will keep you poor and stupid. Take Wayne for example, this guy gets on stage in front of millions of viewers wearing woman pants and that's all you heard about the next day, I'm sure the sell in those pants more than tripled by the next day.

I think It's time for me to get into the past a little .... In my next post I'm going to show you something I know allot of people won't be able to believe, It's about the king of pop, he was in the Illuminati as well. One of his most popular songs is proof of the fact that M.J. was into the things that these artist do today long before they knew anything about what they had to sacrifice to gain the wealth and popularity they now have.


  1. You're back! Thank goodness! I've run into a few "fake truthers" since you've been gone and it's nice to know a real person is dealing with these topics again! Welcome back, man! ;)

    (Blogroll Reactivation begins in :10, :9, :8...)

  2. OMG yoyo .... you are the reason I am back .... I came to your page an saw the new layout .... and read a few of your post ...... but yes I am back and I'm not going anywhere this time ..... just have to get back into the grove of things ..... thanks for being my biggest supporter ..... I needed it!

  3. AWE!!! You're too kind! We need real soldiers in this sick fight that's for sure so I'm personally glad to see you back again!

    As you can see-- I've been discovering some wicked stuff, man. People need to get serious about it too.

    Anytime you need a pick me up-- just hit a sista up! Don't let it get to you, man! :)
